I Am Eco!

In today’s world, there’s not a single person or living thing that is not being impacted by the condition known as “environmental illness.” The cause of this illness is multifaceted. Its spiritual origin lies in our disconnection from nature. Its physical origin stems from our over-exposure to chemical toxins, our anemic diets, and our over-medicalized approach to health care. Unfortunately, our industrial lifestyle production system, our food production system, and our healthcare production system which are designed to cater to the needs and consumer demands of the masses, aren’t helping. They are contributing to the depletion of the Earth’s resources and the toxic load that its ecosystems now bear, which, because they are linked with our human ecosystems, are adding to our toxic body burden. How do we create a shift away from an eco-toxic way of life to a clean, green, nourishing way of life? How do we teach our family members and friends about the value and necessity of living in greater balance and harmony with the natural world? How do we move beyond the eco-doom and gloom that is so prevalent in our world today? How do we awaken our innate eco-intelligence, and embrace our role as eco-stewards? How do we use whole foods, Earth-sourced medicines, and clean lifestyle products to detoxify, nourish, and regenerate our bodies and the Earth? Where do we find the educational tools, the stories, and the inspiration to create a new and better reality? How do we use our personal healing journeys as a catalyst for healing the Earth? This podcast strives to answer these questions!

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Tuesday Jan 21, 2025

As we enter 2025, it’s an ideal time to reflect on how our words shape our well-being and the health of the planet. The way we talk to ourselves—especially about our bodies and the earth—has a profound impact on our mental and physical health. Negative self-talk, such as the daily body criticisms many of us face, can drain energy and contribute to health issues. To counter this, we can cultivate kinder, more empowering self-talk, focusing on what our bodies do for us rather than how they look, and practicing gratitude for the earth’s gifts instead of only its challenges. By shifting our perspectives, we can strengthen our connection to ourselves and the planet, promoting personal health and environmental sustainability. Simple practices like journaling about what we love about our bodies and the earth, and asking ourselves whether we’d say something negative to a friend, can foster a more loving and positive dialogue with both.

Who Do You Know Me As?

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025

Do you know me as a “foodie" who wears an apron and a chef hat? Or, do you know me as a person who wears many hats, and who creates many different kinds of educational tools that support individuals, families, and wellness educators, in nourishing holistic wellness in their bodies and the earth? The person you know me as, I believe, will determine the extent to which you might rely on me to help you and your family thrive in today's world! In this podcast, I invite you to get the inside scoop on who I am, how I've evolved as an educator, and what my mission entails. You'll have the opportunity to think about how you can live more mindful of your body's needs as a whole, and the earth's needs as a whole.  

Sunday Apr 07, 2024

Learn about the flaws in the USDA Eating Model's Guidelines which have served to misguide the public in making sound dietary choices. Gain an understanding of how the USDA works with Agribiz giants to produce food for the masses that is destructive to the environment and your health. Meet the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model, an honest alternative to corporate propaganda. Learn how you can become a certified Eco-Intelligent Eating Advocate!   

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

In this podcast, you'll learn why autism is spiraling out of control in our world today, and how you can be part of the "eco-intelligent" solution for healing it.   

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Learn about how I am inspired to create eco-lifestyle education tools for people of all ages and educational backgrounds that speak to their real-life needs and invite heart and soul into the educational process. 

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Environmentally themed subjects—including climate change are designed to educate school students about conservation issues and help them take action for the environment. However, the training tools that some schools and teachers are provided with to do this are economically biased and they aren't preparing students to create truly healthy and sustainable lifestyles.  

Do You Suffer from Afluenza?

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

"Affluenza" is a widespread social ill that arises from the desire to be more wealthy or successful and it can create misery when we understand the consequences of our actions because of our social or economic status. Discover how adopting a lifestyle that is rooted in "simple abundance" can help to heal this condition. 

Awakening Your Eco Intelligence

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Discover what your innate eco-intelligence is and why it's time to reawaken yours. Ponder the ways that eco-intelligence is at work within the natural world and you. 

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Learn what eco-ignorance is and how it threatens to destroy the balance and harmony of people and the planet. Discover why it does us no good to feel guilty about our ignorance because guilt is punishing and often leads to inaction. 

Thursday Feb 08, 2024

This podcast tests your knowledge about what the term 'eco' means, and encourages you to consider what parts of it need your love and care. 

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